基本的命令框架,由 Command
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class TCommand {
CommandType : TCommandType
CommandParams : FCommonVariantParams
CommandTargets : TArray~TStrongObjectPtr[UObject]~
class FCommand
class ECommandType
class FCommandWrapper {
Command : const FCommand *
:维护 Command
,其中 CommandType
表示该 Command
用于记录 Command
记录相关 UObject
:针对特殊的 CommandType : ECommandType
的 Command
:对 FCommand
的一个封装,可用于打包数据到 lua
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 template <typename TCommandType>struct TCommand { static_assert (TIsEnumClass<TCommandType>::Value, "TCommandType must be a enum type" ); TCommand () = default ; TCommand (TCommandType Type, const FCommonVariantParams& Params = {}) : CommandCategory (Category), CommandType (Type), CommandParams (Params) {} TCommand (TCommandType Type, TStrongObjectPtr<UObject> Target, const FCommonVariantParams& Params = {}) : CommandCategory (Category), CommandType (Type), CommandParams (Params), CommandTargets ({ Target }) {} TCommand (TCommandType Type, const TArray<TStrongObjectPtr<UObject>>& Targets, const FCommonVariantParams& Params = {}) : CommandCategory (Category), CommandType (Type), CommandParams (Params), CommandTargets (Targets) {} void Clear () ; TCommandType GetType () const { return CommandType; } const FCommonVariantParams& GetParams () const { return CommandParams; } const TArray<TStrongObjectPtr<UObject>>& GetTargets () const { return CommandTargets; } bool IsValid () const { return CommandType != TCommandType::None; } void MarkInvalid () const { CommandType = TCommandType::None; } FString ToString () const ; private : mutable TCommandType CommandType = TCommandType::None; FCommonVariantParams CommandParams {}; TArray<TStrongObjectPtr<UObject>> CommandTargets{}; }; template <typename TCommandType>void TCommand<TCommandType>::Clear (){ CommandType = TCommandType::None; CommandParams = {}; CommandTargets.Empty (); }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 UENUM ()enum class ECommandType { None = 0 , Test_1, Test_2, } struct FCommand : TCommand<ECommandType> { using Super = TCommand<ECommandType>; using Super::Super; }; USTRUCT (BlueprintType)struct FCommandWrapper { GENERATED_BODY () void BindCommand (const FCommand* InCommand) { Command = InCommand; } uint32 GetType () { return (uint32)Command->GetType (); } const FCommonVariantParams& GetParams () { return Command->GetParams (); } TArray<UObject*> GetTargets () ; bool IsValid () { return Command->IsValid (); } void MarkInvalid () { Command->MarkInvalid (); } FString ToString () { return Command->ToString (); } private : const FCommand* Command = nullptr ; }; TArray<UObject*> FCommandWrapper::GetTargets () { TArray<UObject*> Res{}; Algo::Transform (Command->GetTargets (), Res, [](const auto & Value) { return Value.Get (); }); return Res; } BEGIN_EXPORT_REFLECTED_CLASS (FCommandWrapper) ADD_FUNCTION (GetType) ADD_FUNCTION (GetParams) ADD_FUNCTION (GetTargets) ADD_FUNCTION (IsValid) ADD_FUNCTION (MarkInvalid) ADD_FUNCTION (ToString) END_EXPORT_CLASS ()IMPLEMENT_EXPORTED_CLASS (FCommandWrapper)
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class TCommandHistory {
MaxHistoryCount : int32
CurrIndex : int32
TailIndex : int32
CurrHistoryCount : int32
UndoCommandCount : int32
CommandHistory : TArray~TUniquePtr[TCommand]~
OnProcessCommand : TOnProcessCommandDelegate
ExecuteCommand(Command, Type)
:用于记录 Command
的 Record
针对 TCommand
通过 OnProcessCommandDelegate<void(const Command&, OperationType)>
来通知与分发 Command
的执行,其中 OperationType
:记录新的 Command
:回退 Command
:重做 Command
:在 Truncate
截断 CommandList
(回退后有新 Command
)时,丢弃之前回退的 Command
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 UENUM ()enum class ECommandOperationType : uint8{ BeforeRecord, Record, BeforeUndo, Undo, AfterUndo, BeforeRedo, Redo, AfterRedo, Discard, Overwrite, Clear, };
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void Init (int32 InMaxHistoryCount) ; void Clear () ; void Destroy () ; void Record (TUniquePtr<TCommand> Command) ; void Undo (int32 StepCount) ; void Redo (int32 StepCount) ; void Truncate () ; TOnProcessCommandDelegate OnProcessCommand; int32 GetCurrHistoryCount () const { return CurrHistoryCount; } int32 GetTotalHistoryCount () const { return CurrHistoryCount + UndoCommandCount; } FString ToString () const ; private : int32 CalcIndex (int32 Val) const ; void ExecuteCommand (int32 Index, ECommandOperationType OperationType) ; void ExecuteCommand (const TCommand* Command, ECommandOperationType OperationType) ; private : int32 MaxHistoryCount = -1 ; TArray<TUniquePtr<TCommand>> CommandHistory{}; int32 CurrIndex = -1 ; int32 TailIndex = -1 ; int32 CurrHistoryCount = 0 ; int32 UndoCommandCount = 0 ; }; #pragma region TCommandHistory Implementation template <typename TCommand, typename TOnProcessCommandDelegate>void TCommandHistory<TCommand, TOnProcessCommandDelegate>::Init (int32 InMaxHistoryCount){ MaxHistoryCount = InMaxHistoryCount; } template <typename TCommand, typename TOnProcessCommandDelegate>void TCommandHistory<TCommand, TOnProcessCommandDelegate>::Clear (){ Truncate (); for (auto i = 0 ; i < CurrHistoryCount; i++) { auto Index = CalcIndex (i); if (CommandHistory.IsValidIndex (Index) && CommandHistory[Index]) { ExecuteCommand (Index, ECommandOperationType::Clear); CommandHistory[Index]->Clear (); } } CommandHistory.Empty (); CurrIndex = -1 ; TailIndex = -1 ; CurrHistoryCount = 0 ; UndoCommandCount = 0 ; } template <typename TCommand, typename TOnProcessCommandDelegate>void TCommandHistory<TCommand, TOnProcessCommandDelegate>::Destroy (){ Clear (); OnProcessCommand.Unbind (); } template <typename TCommand, typename TOnProcessCommandDelegate>void TCommandHistory<TCommand, TOnProcessCommandDelegate>::Record (TUniquePtr<TCommand> Command){ if (MaxHistoryCount == 0 ) return ; if (!Command) return ; ExecuteCommand (Command.Get (), ECommandOperationType::BeforeRecord); if (!Command->IsValid ()) { return ; } Truncate (); auto Index = CalcIndex (CurrIndex + 1 ); if (!CommandHistory.IsValidIndex (Index)) { CommandHistory.Add (MoveTemp (Command)); } else { if (CommandHistory[Index] && CommandHistory[Index]->IsValid ()) { ExecuteCommand (Index, ECommandOperationType::Overwrite); } CommandHistory[Index] = MoveTemp (Command); } CurrIndex = TailIndex = Index; if (MaxHistoryCount > 0 ) { CurrHistoryCount = FMath::Min (CurrHistoryCount + 1 , MaxHistoryCount); } else { CurrHistoryCount++; } ExecuteCommand (Index, ECommandOperationType::Record); } template <typename TCommand, typename TOnProcessCommandDelegate>void TCommandHistory<TCommand, TOnProcessCommandDelegate>::Undo (int32 StepCount){ StepCount = FMath::Clamp (StepCount, 0 , CurrHistoryCount); if (StepCount == 0 ) return ; auto LastCurrIndex = CurrIndex; CurrIndex = CalcIndex (LastCurrIndex - StepCount); UndoCommandCount += StepCount; CurrHistoryCount -= StepCount; for (auto i = 0 ; i < StepCount; i++) { auto Index = CalcIndex (LastCurrIndex - i); if (CommandHistory.IsValidIndex (Index) && CommandHistory[Index]) { ExecuteCommand (Index, ECommandOperationType::BeforeUndo); ExecuteCommand (Index, ECommandOperationType::Undo); ExecuteCommand (Index, ECommandOperationType::AfterUndo); } } } template <typename TCommand, typename TOnProcessCommandDelegate>void TCommandHistory<TCommand, TOnProcessCommandDelegate>::Redo (int32 StepCount){ StepCount = FMath::Clamp (StepCount, 0 , UndoCommandCount); if (StepCount == 0 ) return ; auto LastCurrIndex = CurrIndex; CurrIndex = CalcIndex (LastCurrIndex + StepCount); UndoCommandCount -= StepCount; CurrHistoryCount += StepCount; for (auto i = 1 ; i <= StepCount; i++) { auto Index = CalcIndex (LastCurrIndex + i); if (CommandHistory.IsValidIndex (Index) && CommandHistory[Index]) { ExecuteCommand (Index, ECommandOperationType::BeforeRedo); ExecuteCommand (Index, ECommandOperationType::Redo); ExecuteCommand (Index, ECommandOperationType::AfterRedo); } } } template <typename TCommand, typename TOnProcessCommandDelegate>void TCommandHistory<TCommand, TOnProcessCommandDelegate>::Truncate (){ auto Count = UndoCommandCount; if (Count == 0 ) return ; TailIndex = CurrIndex; UndoCommandCount = 0 ; for (auto i = 1 ; i <= Count; i++) { auto Index = CalcIndex (CurrIndex + i); if (CommandHistory.IsValidIndex (Index) && CommandHistory[Index]) { ExecuteCommand (Index, ECommandOperationType::Discard); CommandHistory[Index]->Clear (); } } } template <typename TCommand, typename TOnProcessCommandDelegate>int32 TCommandHistory<TCommand, TOnProcessCommandDelegate>::CalcIndex (int32 Val) const { if (MaxHistoryCount <= 0 ) return Val; auto Res = Val % MaxHistoryCount; if (Res < 0 ) { Res += MaxHistoryCount; } return Res; } template <typename TCommand, typename TOnProcessCommandDelegate>void TCommandHistory<TCommand, TOnProcessCommandDelegate>::ExecuteCommand (int32 Index, ECommandOperationType OperationType){ if (0 <= Index && Index < CommandHistory.Num ()) { OnProcessCommand.ExecuteIfBound (*CommandHistory[Index].Get (), OperationType); } } template <typename TCommand, typename TOnProcessCommandDelegate>void TCommandHistory<TCommand, TOnProcessCommandDelegate>::ExecuteCommand (const TCommand* Command, ECommandOperationType OperationType){ OnProcessCommand.ExecuteIfBound (*Command, OperationType); }
1 2 3 4 5 DECLARE_DELEGATE_TwoParams (FOnProcessCommandInternal, const FCommand& , ECommandOperationType );struct FCommandHistory : TCommandHistory<FCommand, FOnProcessCommandInternal> {};
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class CommandManager {
ProcessCommandEvents : TMap~ECommandType, FOnProcessCommand~
RegisterProcessCommandEventListener(CommandType, Object, Callback)
UnregisterProcessCommandEventListener(CommandType, Object)
DispatchProcessCommandEvent(Command, OperationType)
DispatchProcessCommandEventToLua(CommandWrapper, OperationType)
主要是为了维护多个 CommandHistory
(可能有多个业务各自相关的 CommandHistory
通过 ChangeCurrCommandHistoryType
来切换当前执行的 Command
所属的 CommandHistoryType
;有些 Command
在多个 CommandHistoryType
的情景下都会有(比如当前切到一个新的 Editor
,但是 PropertyCommand
通用模块在任意一个 Editor
都会使用到),所以不选择执行 Command
时指定 CommandHistoryType
的方案,选择主动切换;业务可以根据自己的情况选择维护数据结构来管理 CommandHistoryType
提供对应 Event
的注册与分发、提供 Record
等接口给 CommandUtils
调用(期望外部仅调用 CommandUtils
相关方法),同时进行一些 CommonCommandType
的注册以及与 lua
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